Customer Testimonials

I really enjoyed the course - very well delivered and very useful. The introduction to tools
and techniques will add breadth and depth to my thinking and will lead to a dramatic
improvement in the quality and clarity of my presentation. The pack is a great resource.
Business Product Manager, Vodafone

A productive and thought provoking course which made me think about how I think. I will definitely make the effort to put it into practice (especially if I know you will be ringing to check on my progress!). I liked the way it all came together at the end for me, when I had a chance to put the ideas into practice on a real presentation I was working on.
Senior Policy Adviser, Which?

I really enjoyed the course and found it tremendously helpful, especially working on my own real-life examples. My challenge now will be to continue to put all the learning into practice. The slides will certainly help with that. Thanks again for your input into my development. I really appreciate the investment.
Deputy Regional Director, Government Office East

The best course I have been on in the past 5 years. It has allowed me to overcome the physiological barriers which often prevent effective decision-making and problem solving.
Strategy Analyst, BT

An academic at a structured thinking course? I suppose the slight fear might be not so much 'embarrassing bodies' as embarrassing minds. However it was fantastic. Great people, 2 days of mental stimulation and fun. I've already helped others with the new skills I learned! I am puzzled why we don’t teach thinking skills at Cambridge.
Senior Lecturer, Judge Business School, Cambridge University

Once again, many thanks for facilitating such a great course. I really did find it fascinating and am confident that my working methods will change as a result (in fact I am already using mind maps to record information….and its working!). Many thanks for sending through the resources, they will be incredibly useful. I have recommended the course to friends and colleagues so long may it continue!
Clinical Advisor, National Patient Safety Agency